As part of my foray into n9 apps, a new one that displays information from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology on the n9. Being pure QML + Javascript it also runs on the desktop. The forecasts include min and max temps, and for the Europeans reading this, the middle line "10..." is the UV prediction and roasting window for the day... all your sunscreen are belong to us.
Apart from saving a little on downloads for the topology and background images when on the move, you get to customize those as they are just png files living in the images subdirectory. So I have the local rocket launch site indicated. I'd like to make a LOTR style topology overlay, perhaps mt Glorious becomes Mordor?
Code available at
Can you put this on the Nokia Store please?
Oh this is so sweet, thank-you kind sir.
If there's regular refinements planned.
Then I'd gladly pay for an app like this!
So would many N9 users, put it in the store I say!
All the best.
You could integrate it with Marble as well. We've got a QML version running on the N9 even, see or #marble in Freenode if you're interested.
Oh yes please, Marble's an excellent idea!
How do you get email notices from this blog post.
Not getting any....
I've just pushed a little update, radar and observations URLs are now found using regexes on the main web pages instead of being calculated. Seems some of the links change subtly which just makes it easier to craft a regex than try to synthesise the URL from blocks.
For marble there is data offered in tabulated format from the bom which would allow may obs points to show on the marble map. I'll definitely have a play with the marble on the device :)
Once I get things a bit more stable (and configurable) I'll drop it on the store. At the moment you still have to set a variable or two in the QML file to set your location.
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