Sorry for the chatter post, but if anybody has recommendations for a tool that can build for win, osx, and lin that would be great. The project is an autofools one, mainly coded in 100s of kloc of C++. Builds like a treat on a Fedora machine, can be beaten unto submission to build on osx, and I assume on a suitably tainted windows machine it will gcc into binaries too. At least it has built on those other platforms in the past.
I've had great success with OBS, but that was mainly for Linux packages. It seems OBS can do mingw too, but I've not walked the valley of darkness into building for the more closed platforms on OBS before.
The saucelabs looks pretty cool, but it seems targeted to web code if I am reading it correctly.
The initial plan is to get 24hr rolling packages for all platforms and have feedback as to which day a github commit has broken the package build. It might be nice to have it for each github commit, but I think it would be easy enough to bisect a break given a 24 hour window unless an armada of contributors rushes at the ship.
A separate build issue I've been tinkering with in my mind for a while is
grabbing from a github repo and creating android packages. Different code base for this though, mainly some of my n9 apps, as such, preferably for a
mixed C++/QML app. But I think for that project I'll wind up taking my
chisel and hammer and coming back with a cron job.