After recently adding support for scanning through a virtual filesystem interface in libferris I thought I'd complete the cycle and add printer-as-filesystem too. This of course allows the neat trick to "copy" a document from your scanner and dumping it to a printer:
$ ferriscp scanner:///my-scanner/color/scan.png printer:///my-friends-printer/
Naturally the printer and scanner don't have to be in the same room etc. As you can see from the above, writing a picture to a file inside the printer's virtual directory prints that image to paper. By default images are smooth stretched to fit the entire page, not a huge issue if you scan and print at the same DPI.
Images can come from anywhere, to hard copy a webcam
$ ferriscp gstreamer://capture/webcam.jpg printer:///Ich-bin-ein-drucker/
If on the other hand you write a plain text file to the printer's directory it will be printed in an acceptable manner too. So something like this works
$ date | ferris-redirect -T printer://Cups-PDF/foo
In this case, you can expect a ~/Desktop/foo.pdf file which is a PDF document with the current date in it. One can think if ferris-redirect as the shell "|" but which natively knows about all the libferris filesystems. On the other hand, you could use FUSE to mount printer:// at some normal kernel location and just do
$ date >| ~/printer/Cups-PDF/foo
Of course, none of this is meant to replace programs which let you tweak how images are printed, format how text will appear, or select from the myriad of options your printer offers you. But if you want a piece of paper from a scanner to a printer, such a "copy" might be just the ticket.
C++, Linux, libferris and embedded development. Yet another blog from yet another NARG.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blocking a nostril
I have been meaning to add sane support to libferris since I upgraded my scanner to something modern. I now also have an Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) so naturally that needs to be a filesystem too. A quick example of how this might be useful, to turn a document into something on screen quickly:
$ fcat sane:///my-scanner/color/scan.jpg | okular -
The trees under sane:// allow preconfigured scanning units and discovery. If you have setup my-scanner then no device listing is performed with sane, a good thing because discovery can be slow. When you configure a scanner you create one or more directories with specific configurations of how you want the scan to proceed. Incidentally, configuration is of course done with a filesystem. Inside ~/.ferris/sane you create a directory for your scanner, plomp the device name into scanner/device and create directories with scanning options for that scanner.
As well as scan.jpg there is a directory "adf" which chomps new things from the ADF for each file you read. Having this directory allows you to grab 20 documents by a normal looking posix like command such as:
$ ferriscp -av sane:///adf/gray-100/adf /tmp/
in this case, I made two trees, color-N and gray-N which scan in color or grayscale at a given DPI (100,300,600 etc). So I can get most of what I want by picking the right directory. "adf" is a softlink to my scanner (a local link in ~/.ferris/sane from adf to "my-scanner"). Using links like this means I can replace the hardware and scripts can still just ask for "the adf" scanner and get something.
One might wonder what happens for a scanner which is not known to the system. The ".discovery" configuration inside ~/.ferris/sane provides defaults for such devices, so you can have your color/gray DPI directories magically appear for discovered scanners too. Of course, most of the gray directories are similar, so softlinks are your friend except for the "resolution" file which you want to change per directory.
Discovery isn't performed for the above commands, because libferris uses short cut directory loading as it knows explicitly how to make the virtual filesystems for preconfigured scanners.
Some hints on configuration will be in dot-ferris/sane/dot-discovered which will be in libferris 1.5.6+ along with the code to actually make it happen.
$ fcat sane:///my-scanner/color/scan.jpg | okular -
The trees under sane:// allow preconfigured scanning units and discovery. If you have setup my-scanner then no device listing is performed with sane, a good thing because discovery can be slow. When you configure a scanner you create one or more directories with specific configurations of how you want the scan to proceed. Incidentally, configuration is of course done with a filesystem. Inside ~/.ferris/sane you create a directory for your scanner, plomp the device name into scanner/device and create directories with scanning options for that scanner.
As well as scan.jpg there is a directory "adf" which chomps new things from the ADF for each file you read. Having this directory allows you to grab 20 documents by a normal looking posix like command such as:
$ ferriscp -av sane:///adf/gray-100/adf /tmp/
in this case, I made two trees, color-N and gray-N which scan in color or grayscale at a given DPI (100,300,600 etc). So I can get most of what I want by picking the right directory. "adf" is a softlink to my scanner (a local link in ~/.ferris/sane from adf to "my-scanner"). Using links like this means I can replace the hardware and scripts can still just ask for "the adf" scanner and get something.
One might wonder what happens for a scanner which is not known to the system. The ".discovery" configuration inside ~/.ferris/sane provides defaults for such devices, so you can have your color/gray DPI directories magically appear for discovered scanners too. Of course, most of the gray directories are similar, so softlinks are your friend except for the "resolution" file which you want to change per directory.
Discovery isn't performed for the above commands, because libferris uses short cut directory loading as it knows explicitly how to make the virtual filesystems for preconfigured scanners.
Some hints on configuration will be in dot-ferris/sane/dot-discovered which will be in libferris 1.5.6+ along with the code to actually make it happen.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Change Tracking: Why?
As some of my past posts have mentioned, the OASIS group is currently working out how it wishes to extend support for change tracking in ODF. The change tracking feature allows you to have an office application remember what changes you have made and associate them with one or more revisions. There are many examples where governments might want such traceability, but small businesses are likely to find this functionality valuable too.
Late last year there was an ODF plugfest held in Brussels where it was decided that an Advanced Document Collaboration subcommittee should be formed to work out how to serialize tracked changes into ODF.
There are currently two proposals. One which is generic and tracks how the XML of the ODF is modified over time, and an extension to the limited change tracking that already exists in ODF 1.2.
As my previous posts have mentioned, I'm involved in making abiword able to produce and consume ODF files which contain tracked changes in the format of the generic proposal.
See my github for abiword and its change tracking test suite. Ganesh Paramasivam has been working to make Calligra and KOffice support the generic proposal too, and Jos van den Oever has done some hacking to enrich WebODF for change tracking.
As I have been going along implementing things in abiword, I've been clarifying some points on the oasis office-collab mailing list, and participating in some of the general conversation there too.
Some of the differences between the two proposals can have a large impact to the complexity of implementing change tracking in applications. Folks who are involved in office applications which use ODF might like to read up on the proposals and have their say on the future of this feature before a decision is made for you.
I think it is important for ODT to include a good, complete change tracking specification because it would offer all people the ability to collaborate on documents and businesses the change to know the exact extent of modifications made to documents by each party.
Late last year there was an ODF plugfest held in Brussels where it was decided that an Advanced Document Collaboration subcommittee should be formed to work out how to serialize tracked changes into ODF.
There are currently two proposals. One which is generic and tracks how the XML of the ODF is modified over time, and an extension to the limited change tracking that already exists in ODF 1.2.
As my previous posts have mentioned, I'm involved in making abiword able to produce and consume ODF files which contain tracked changes in the format of the generic proposal.
See my github for abiword and its change tracking test suite. Ganesh Paramasivam has been working to make Calligra and KOffice support the generic proposal too, and Jos van den Oever has done some hacking to enrich WebODF for change tracking.
As I have been going along implementing things in abiword, I've been clarifying some points on the oasis office-collab mailing list, and participating in some of the general conversation there too.
Some of the differences between the two proposals can have a large impact to the complexity of implementing change tracking in applications. Folks who are involved in office applications which use ODF might like to read up on the proposals and have their say on the future of this feature before a decision is made for you.
I think it is important for ODT to include a good, complete change tracking specification because it would offer all people the ability to collaborate on documents and businesses the change to know the exact extent of modifications made to documents by each party.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
ODF and Generic Change Tracking: part II, styles.
So now abiword can save and load ODF files with improved generic tracked changes to styles. These style changes might be nested, and the window that a style is applied to might shift over revisions. The below video demonstrates the scenario in example 6.4.2 of the generic track changes proposal that is being considered by the Advanced Document Collaboration OASIS ODF Technical subcommittee.
The actual serialization to ODF is along the lines of my proposed output but also using the ac:change stack to avoid unnecessary nesting as has been mentioned that OpenOffice might produce and consume if the generic proposal were to be chosen by the oasis subcommittee.
The actual serialization to ODF is along the lines of my proposed output but also using the ac:change stack to avoid unnecessary nesting as has been mentioned that OpenOffice might produce and consume if the generic proposal were to be chosen by the oasis subcommittee.
ODT Change Tracking part 2: Example 6.4.2 from Ben Martin on Vimeo.
generic change tracking,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Libferris for Fedora 14
Long story short, I decided to update to F14 on the desktop to get easy access to qt4.7 for a project. During that update I rebuilt libferris (of course) and noticed a not so subtle bug in boost 1.44 that comes with f14. See my filed bug 694448 for full details, but basically it stops boost::serialization from reading binary boost archives from files generated with f13's boost. To get around this, the build of ferris includes some more smarts in fallback to the backup text archive.
Lucky for me, in the old days I wanted to copy some *boost files to the maemo platform, and not being 64bit on the target binary archives are not expected to work, so I already had libferris writing plain text too when updates were made. So on f14 things continue to work, and 1.5.4 of libferris onward have more graceful automatic fallbacks for cases where the binary archive fails when it really shouldn't.
You might see this bug if you use semantic smush sets, etagere (tagging), and a few other libferris features with ferris 1.5.3 or less and move to a boost in the 1.42-1.44 range.
Given that F15 should be out soonish, and it seems it will come with boost 1.46, I'm not sure backporting boost::serialization fixes is really on anyone's top ten.
Lucky for me, in the old days I wanted to copy some *boost files to the maemo platform, and not being 64bit on the target binary archives are not expected to work, so I already had libferris writing plain text too when updates were made. So on f14 things continue to work, and 1.5.4 of libferris onward have more graceful automatic fallbacks for cases where the binary archive fails when it really shouldn't.
You might see this bug if you use semantic smush sets, etagere (tagging), and a few other libferris features with ferris 1.5.3 or less and move to a boost in the 1.42-1.44 range.
Given that F15 should be out soonish, and it seems it will come with boost 1.46, I'm not sure backporting boost::serialization fixes is really on anyone's top ten.
Friday, April 8, 2011
ODF and Generic Change Tracking
The OASIS group who are responsible for things like the Open Document Format (ODF) format are throwing around how to improve how change tracking information is to be contained in future versions of ODF. I've hacked some support for the "generic" change tracking proposal into Abiword in a git branch, and Ganesh Paramasivam has been working to make Calligra and KOffice support this too.
I thought a little bit of a look at how documents move between suites was in order. Obviously, these are really trivial changes. The larger use cases screem out for an automated system to test them, so that regressions can be caught and other office suites added over time if they choose to support this method of change tracking.
So, without further (or less) ado, the below video shows a document created in KOffice and bounced through a temporary file to abiword and inspected. Apologies for the delays in the first video, I've sorted that issue of frame dups out for future shows.
In the second video I make some changes in abiword and send those back to KOffice. In the process I found a few little issues which I've committed some updates to the abiword git repo to help with.
These videos where created with recordmydesktop, transcoded with mencode for 720 playback (mainly getting the video codec how vimeo wants to see it), and uploaded with ferriscp foo.avi vimeo://upload.
I thought a little bit of a look at how documents move between suites was in order. Obviously, these are really trivial changes. The larger use cases screem out for an automated system to test them, so that regressions can be caught and other office suites added over time if they choose to support this method of change tracking.
So, without further (or less) ado, the below video shows a document created in KOffice and bounced through a temporary file to abiword and inspected. Apologies for the delays in the first video, I've sorted that issue of frame dups out for future shows.
2011 April 9: KOffice and Abiword with Generic Change Tracking 1of2 from Ben Martin on Vimeo.
In the second video I make some changes in abiword and send those back to KOffice. In the process I found a few little issues which I've committed some updates to the abiword git repo to help with.
2011 April 9: KOffice and Abiword with Generic Change Tracking 2of2 from Ben Martin on Vimeo.
These videos where created with recordmydesktop, transcoded with mencode for 720 playback (mainly getting the video codec how vimeo wants to see it), and uploaded with ferriscp foo.avi vimeo://upload.
document computing,
generic change tracking,
Friday, April 1, 2011
Abiword with ODT and Generic Track Changes
I've been hacking support for the proposed generic track changes for ODF into abiword recently. This means that you can generate and store documents with many revisions and see who added/deleted and modified what in which revision over time. Kind of handy for sending your professor the latest design for your perpetual motion machine and being able to see where they think your design might be too optimistic ;)
Anyway, both the branch of abiword and a test suite are up on github to allow anyone to grab it, prod it in the guts, and see how things might operate. Be aware that this is a work in progress right now, and I might commit stuff which is still a work in progress.
The code is at
The test suite is at
The following instructions will build abiword from the change tracking code on github. The build will install into /tmp and will not interfere with an abiword which is installed from your Linux distribution's package system. Both abiword builds will be available to you.
$ mkdir tmp
$ cd ./tmp
$ git clone
$ cd ./odf-2011-track-changes-git-svn
$ ./
$ ./configure --enable-debug \
--enable-collab-backend-service \
--enable-clipart \
--enable-templates \
--prefix=/tmp/abiword-install-odfct \
$ time nice make -j5
$ make install
$ /tmp/abiword-install-odfct/bin/abiword
The download can be done in reasonable time over ADSL, on an Intel Q6600 the make took about 4 minutes. You might like to adjust the -j on the make line to suit your core count. Notice that since everything is installed into /tmp you don't have to run the install as root either. You will get debugging output in the console when using abiword built this way, but that's what you want when running dev code right?
Starting to use change tracking is really easy now too. Though I need to convince somebody who can create clipart to make new icons for revision handling, so the arrow in the below points to the main toolbar icon you want to know about. The icon directly to the right of it will let you select a revision to see from a list.

At first, the additional icons to the right of will not be visible to you as they are only useful when you are using track changes. Each time you click the icon with the arrow pointed at it, abiword will ask to to name a new revision. This makes it nice and simple to create a 5-10 revision test document to play with ODT and Change tracking. Note that abiword can save the change tracking information in it's native abw format as well as ODT. In fact, that is what the core of the test suite linked above does; convert between these formats and make sure that nothing is lost in translations. This way you get to know that abiword can write *and* read back its ODT files without loosing precious information.
Anyway, both the branch of abiword and a test suite are up on github to allow anyone to grab it, prod it in the guts, and see how things might operate. Be aware that this is a work in progress right now, and I might commit stuff which is still a work in progress.
The code is at
The test suite is at
The following instructions will build abiword from the change tracking code on github. The build will install into /tmp and will not interfere with an abiword which is installed from your Linux distribution's package system. Both abiword builds will be available to you.
$ mkdir tmp
$ cd ./tmp
$ git clone
$ cd ./odf-2011-track-changes-git-svn
$ ./
$ ./configure --enable-debug \
--enable-collab-backend-service \
--enable-clipart \
--enable-templates \
--prefix=/tmp/abiword-install-odfct \
$ time nice make -j5
$ make install
$ /tmp/abiword-install-odfct/bin/abiword
The download can be done in reasonable time over ADSL, on an Intel Q6600 the make took about 4 minutes. You might like to adjust the -j on the make line to suit your core count. Notice that since everything is installed into /tmp you don't have to run the install as root either. You will get debugging output in the console when using abiword built this way, but that's what you want when running dev code right?
Starting to use change tracking is really easy now too. Though I need to convince somebody who can create clipart to make new icons for revision handling, so the arrow in the below points to the main toolbar icon you want to know about. The icon directly to the right of it will let you select a revision to see from a list.

At first, the additional icons to the right of will not be visible to you as they are only useful when you are using track changes. Each time you click the icon with the arrow pointed at it, abiword will ask to to name a new revision. This makes it nice and simple to create a 5-10 revision test document to play with ODT and Change tracking. Note that abiword can save the change tracking information in it's native abw format as well as ODT. In fact, that is what the core of the test suite linked above does; convert between these formats and make sure that nothing is lost in translations. This way you get to know that abiword can write *and* read back its ODT files without loosing precious information.
Change Tracking,
document computing,
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